My Love Story

9.13.14 Blog-Tember Challenge

Sept 13th: Your current relationship status. If dating/married, give us a glimpse of your story! If single, share about this special season.


I’m currently in a wonderful relationship with my boyfriend, Eric.  He’s my everything and I can’t wait to be able to say I do to him.

However, I never thought I’d be saying that.  We went to high school together and I knew of him.  He knew who I was too but we never even talked once.  I was a goody two shoes, class president who studied too much while he was a goof ball and enjoyed every moment with his friends screwing off.  We were pretty much opposites. Although, he did tell me at a legion baseball game the summer after he graduated, all the guys were saying I was a girl you’d marry. Well, now he probably will be the one.

We actually “met” at the Brewers game with a group of friends.  Being the nerd I was, I earned 2 free tickets and some discounted ones because of my grades.  I told my friend, Marissa we should get a group together and she told her boyfriend Aaron.  He invited Eric and his other friend Jake and his girlfriend. I didn’t care I just wanted a group to have some fun with at the game.  I had no intentions of dating Eric.  Marissa kept saying you’re really going to like him.  I was leaving for college in a few weeks and had no desire to start something.  Well, she was right.  He stole my heart that day.  I can remember being surprised at how well he communicated and could hold a conversation.  After the game, we went back to Jake’s and hung out.  Poor Eric had to work at 3 a.m. (he used to work on a farm) and just stayed up until he had to go to work.  I noticed then he was a hard worker.  After he left, I asked Jake for his number, mind you I’m NEVER the one to take action.  Well, the rest is history.

On 8.18.14, we celebrated our 1 year anniversary. He surprised me and took my kayaking on Mirror Lake by the Wisconsin Dells.

Being with him, brings out the best in me.  I’m the happiest I have ever been.  He loves and cares for me more than I ever though possible.  The little things mean the most: making me tea when I’m cold, rubbing my feet, holding me when I’m down, and supporting me in my business.  He’s helped me start loving myself.

Here was one of our first pictures together.  It was my first surprise date.  He took me to Devil’s Lake and we hiked all day 🙂




What’s your relationship status and what’s special about it?